Hey everyone!
We have a ton of exciting updates to share on our book and a whole bunch of free resources we’ve developed this month. Let’s jump right in!
Nuxt 3 Migration Update
We are full steam ahead on our book updates, bringing ROAST to Vue 3, Nuxt 3, and Laravel 9! So far, most of our work has been updating the frontend to Vue 3 & Nuxt 3. It’s quite a task!
Even though Nuxt 3 is in beta, we will be maintaining and updating the content through the first stable release. So far it’s pretty polished and Vue 3 is amazing to work with. We hope to have a few chapters ready for release next week.
Want to see the Nuxt 3 Code?
If you’ve already purchased the Ultimate Package of our book, you can watch our commits on the v3 branch and see all of the updated Nuxt 3 code!
We also have public running server with live Nuxt 3 code. That’s the power of an SPA + API, you can use the same back end and entirely renovate the frontend without interference! Keep checking back as we migrate features.
We have a preview available. It’s still under construction, so please don’t mind the dust.
View the Live Nuxt 3 Version of ROAST
Interested in Updating from Nuxt 2
Nuxt 3?
We are sharing some tips when migrating from Nuxt 2 to Nuxt 3 in our free course, Upgrading Nuxt 2 to Nuxt 3. As we learn about the ins and outs of updating to Nuxt 3, we are sharing some tips and helpful code snippets. Our book will be a start to finish cohesive approach of how to do build a Nuxt 3 SPA with a Laravel 9 backend. This free course will help along the way for those interested in seeing the process.
Sponsors get an additional 20% off
Dan and I are also launching a Github Sponsorship program. If you’re passionate about the materials we create, please consider sponsoring us on Github. This will give us more time to work on Server Side Up materials instead of taking on client work. On top of the discounts, you’ll also get exclusive community access, screensharing support, and a lot more. Become a sponsor →
More coming soon
We’re very thankful to have you follow along our journey. We have a ton of other things in the works that we’re excited to share with you so keep checking your inbox.
Of course you can reach out to us on Twitter with any questions (@danpastori and @jaydrogers).
Thanks again for your support.
Stay creative,
– Jay & Dan