I encountered this difficulty when wanting to test out spin on an existing Laravel project using the Laravel Basic template. This machine is running Win11 with Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS under WSL2. The intent was to deploy to an existing VPS I have, which has working ssh keypair access with my main user and also made sure root works for testing this out, ie ssh root@ip (or ssh root@domain). That all works from this WSL2 environment.
Docker is already installed and working on this machine as well as the VPS.
I installed Spin with Install to Linux. Added to path and confirmed with:
$ spin version
Spin Version:
v2.1.1 [stable] (User Installed)
I then did spin init laravel
to add to my existing project. It gave me the following output:
grep: /home/user/dev/project/.env: No such file or directory
👉 "docker-compose.yml" already exists. Skipping...
✅ "docker-compose.prod.yml" has been created.
✅ "docker-compose.dev.yml" has been created.
👉 "Dockerfile" already exists. Skipping...
✅ ".infrastructure/conf/traefik/prod/traefik.yml" has been created.
✅ ".infrastructure/conf/traefik/dev/certificates/local-dev.pem" has been created.
✅ ".infrastructure/conf/traefik/dev/certificates/local-dev-key.pem" has been created.
✅ ".infrastructure/conf/traefik/dev/traefik-certs.yml" has been created.
✅ ".infrastructure/conf/traefik/dev/traefik.yml" has been created.
✅ ".infrastructure/volume_data/.gitignore" has been created.
✅ ".spin-inventory.ini" has been created.
✅ ".spin.yml" has been created.
So far that is all as expected, as I have my own Dockerfile
and docker-compose.yaml
set up. I don’t have a .env
in this base dir, as the project itself is in ./app
I chose not to encrypt Spin configurations for now. Entered email when prompted for Let’s Encrypt:
✅ Updated ".infrastructure/conf/traefik/prod/traefik.yml" with your email.
🚀 Your project is now ready for "spin up"!
👉 Learn how to use your template at https://github.com/serversideup/spin-template-laravel-basic
👉 Some files already existed when copying the template, so we left those files alone.
👉 Check the output above to figure out what files you may need to update manually.
Then I opened ./spin-inventory.ini
and added my production and staging domains:
# Host Types
# Swarm Roles
# Environment
then went in ./spin.yml
and updated server_contact:
with an email, left the rest alone until the users section. I specified a username, name, and pw hash from mkpasswd + an ssh pubkey that I am able to ssh into the server with. Example:
# Basic Server Configuration
server_timezone: "Etc/UTC"
server_contact: [email protected]
# If you the SSH port below, you may need to run `spin provision -p <your-default-ssh-port>`
# to get a connection on your first provision. Otherwise, SSH will try connecting
# to your new port before the SSH server configuration is updated.
ssh_port: "22"
## Email Notifications
postfix_hostname: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
## Set variables below to enable external SMTP relay
# postfix_relayhost: "smtp.example.com"
# postfix_relayhost_port: "587"
# postfix_relayhost_username: "myusername"
# postfix_relayhost_password: "mysupersecretpassword"
## Configure passwordless sudo for the sudo group (it's disabled by default)
# use_passwordless_sudo: true
# Deploy User
# Docker user configuration.
username: deploy
gid: 9999
group: deploy
home: "/home/deploy"
secondary_groups: "docker"
uid: 9999
## Uncomment to set authorized SSH keys for the docker user.
# authorized_ssh_keys:
# - "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIKNJGtd7a4DBHsQi7HGrC5xz0eAEFHZ3Ogh3FEFI2345 fake@key"
# - "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIFRfXxUZ8q9vHRcQZ6tLb0KwGHu8xjQHfYopZKLmnopQ anotherfake@key"
# Users
### Use the template below to set users and their authorized keys
## Passwords are optional if you use passwordless sudo. If you do
## use passwords, you must be set with an encrypted hash. You can
## generate an encrypted hash with `spin mkpasswd`. Learn more:
## https://serversideup.net/open-source/spin/docs/command-reference/mkpasswd
- username: spinuser
name: spinuser
state: present
groups: ['adm','sudo']
password: "$6$s6zqF6Amdv$s1mw09yHtWOy2vQdkVGIe0Rfx24qvbwCd2Y1nY63udoBZ8.SKgm0WWDAuPSTGxMq3oll4XMrjfZZ84ehH1GzN1"
shell: "/bin/bash"
- public_key: "ssh-rsa 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 user@device"
# - username: bob
# name: Bob Smith
# state: present
# password: "$6$mysecretsalt$qJbapG68nyRab3gxvKWPUcs2g3t0oMHSHMnSKecYNpSi3CuZm.GbBqXO8BE6EI6P1JUefhA0qvD7b5LSh./PU1"
# groups: ['adm','sudo']
# shell: "/bin/bash"
# authorized_keys:
# - public_key: "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1anotherfakekeyIMVIzwQXBzxxD9b8Erd1FKVvu bob"
The problem is when I then run spin provision
I get:
BECOME password:
PLAY [Setup and provision Docker Swarm servers with Spin.] *******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
TASK [Gathering Facts] *******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
fatal: [myapp.com]: UNREACHABLE! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Failed to connect to the host via ssh: Bad owner or permissions on /root/.ssh/config", "unreachable": true}
fatal: [staging.myapp.com]: UNREACHABLE! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Failed to connect to the host via ssh: Bad owner or permissions on /root/.ssh/config", "unreachable": true}
PLAY RECAP *******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
myapp.com : ok=0 changed=0 unreachable=1 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
staging.myapp.com : ok=0 changed=0 unreachable=1 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
That output would suggest something is wrong with permissions on the .ssh folder or its contents, but I can’t see how that is possible since I am able to ssh in just fine, I double checked permissions and as far as I can tell they are all good.
So I’m not sure if I am misunderstanding what this is trying to do or if there is some issue with running this from within a WSL2 Ubuntu or what. Was really looking forward to testing this thing out.
Thanks in advance for any help.