I Want Advice on AWS DevOps Tutorial and Best Practices

Hello ServerSideUp Community,

As a software engineer with a keen interest in cloud computing and DevOps, I have been focusing on enhancing my skills in aws devops. I came across various tutorials and resources but I wanted to reach out to this community for some expert advice and recommendations. Past couple of years I have shifted my focus towards cloud computing & DevOps, primarily working with aws & I have been following several online courses and tutorials on AWS DevOps, covering topics like CI pipelines, infrastructure as code with Terraform & automated deployments.

Can anyone recommend a comprehensive AWS DevOps tutorial that covers both foundational and advanced topics? I am particularly interested in practical, hands on tutorials that provide real-world scenarios and use cases.

What are some best practices for implementing DevOps on AWS?

What other tools and resources have you found helpful for mastering AWS DevOps? Any books, blogs or online communities that you think are must reads?

What are some common challenges you have faced while working with AWS DevOps & how did you overcome them? Sharing these insights could be incredibly valuable for those of us who are still learning. :thinking:

Also i have check this article/rescores- https://community.serversideup.net/t/preview-mp3-with-html5-audio-elementbest-cloud-computing-servicesand-vuejs/520 still need your suggestion.

Thank you in advance for your recommendations. :grinning:

Any reason why you need to stick to AWS DevOps only? Unfrotunately I don’t have any experienced with AWS specific DevOps tools.

Everything I have learned has been through the GitLab CI or GitHub Actions documentation.

I just started creating open source projects and solved one problem at a time.

Biggest challenges

  • CI/CD can become complicated very quickly. Focus on the benefit on solving the problem and make sure it’s a problem you need to solve
  • Injecting secrets can be tricky. Be sure you’re encrypting secrets and protecting branches so people cannot expose secrets

I have some things coming out soon that will cover Laravel + GitHub Actions. If you’re interested in that, I recommend hopping on our email list: Subscribe - Server Side Up

I know I wasn’t able to share any concrete answers, but I hope this helps you start your journey!