How to add the value of parent_id and parent_product_id in database?

I want to know how to add the value of parent_id in product table and value of parent_product_id in productAttributes table (to filter products with attribute values) I have parent_id in product table and parent_product_id in productAttribute table but I want to add the value of them in database when I add attribute to product in product/edit page in admin section

so please how to do that if I have this code with laravel and vuejs :

I want to add this ‘parent_id’ => $product->id, to the productcontroller (product table)
and this ‘parent_product_id’ => $parentProductID, to productAttributeController or ProductAttribute.vue(productAttributes table) and thank you very much

I want to put parent_id and parent_product_id like this code in the other code:

     * Generate product variants for the configurable product
     * @param Product $product product object
     * @param array   $params  params
     * @return void
    private function _generateProductVariants($product, $params)
        $configurableAttributes = $this->_getConfigurableAttributes();

        $variantAttributes = [];
        foreach ($configurableAttributes as $attribute) {
            $variantAttributes[$attribute->code] = $params[$attribute->code];

        $variants = $this->_generateAttributeCombinations($variantAttributes);

        if ($variants) {
            foreach ($variants as $variant) {
                $variantParams = [
                    'parent_id' => $product->id,
                    'user_id' => Auth::user()->id,
                    'sku' => $product->sku . '-' .implode('-', array_values($variant)),
                    'type' => 'simple',
                    'name' => $product->name . $this->_convertVariantAsName($variant),

                $variantParams['slug'] = Str::slug($variantParams['name']);

                $newProductVariant = Product::create($variantParams);

                $categoryIds = !empty($params['category_ids']) ? $params['category_ids'] : [];

                $this->_saveProductAttributeValues($newProductVariant, $variant, $product->id);

     * Save the product attribute values
     * @param Product $product         product object
     * @param array   $variant         variant
     * @param int     $parentProductID parent product ID
     * @return void
    private function _saveProductAttributeValues($product, $variant, $parentProductID)
        foreach (array_values($variant) as $attributeOptionID) {
            $attributeOption = AttributeOption::find($attributeOptionID);

            $attributeValueParams = [
                'parent_product_id' => $parentProductID,
                'product_id' => $product->id,
                'attribute_id' => $attributeOption->attribute_id,
                'text_value' => $attributeOption->name,


but I have a different code so I want to know how to add the value of parent_id and parent_product_id with this code:


public function store(StoreProductFormRequest $request)
        $params = $request->except('_token');

        $product = $this->productRepository->createProduct($params);

        if (!$product) {
            return $this->responseRedirectBack('Error occurred while creating product.', 'error', true, true);
        return $this->responseRedirect('admin.products.index', 'Product added successfully' ,'success',false, false);


public function createProduct(array $params)
        try {
            $collection = collect($params);

            $featured = $collection->has('featured') ? 1 : 0;
            $status = $collection->has('status') ? 1 : 0;

            $merge = $collection->merge(compact('status', 'featured'));

            $product = new Product($merge->all());


            if ($collection->has('categories')) {

            ProductInventory::updateOrCreate(['product_id' => $product->id], ['qty' => $params['qty']]);
            return $product;

        } catch (QueryException $exception) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException($exception->getMessage());


   public function productAttributes(Request $request)
        $product = Product::findOrFail($request->id);

        return response()->json($product->attributes);
 public function addAttribute(Request $request)

        $productAttribute = ProductAttribute::create($request->data);

        if ($productAttribute) {
            return response()->json(['message' => 'Product attribute added successfully.']);
        } else {
            return response()->json(['message' => 'Something went wrong while submitting product attribute.']);


    export default {
        name: "product-attributes",
        props: ['productid'],
        data() {
            return {
                productAttributes: [],
                attributes: [],
                attribute: {},
                attributeSelected: false,
                attributeValues: [],
                value: {},
                valueSelected: false,
                currentAttributeId: '',
                currentValue: '',
                currentQty: '',
                currentPrice: '',

        created: function() {
        methods: {

            selectAttribute(attribute) {
                let _this = this;
                this.currentAttributeId =;
      '/admin/products/attributes/values', {
                }).then (function(response){
                    _this.attributeValues =;
                }).catch(function (error) {
                this.attributeSelected = true;
            selectValue(value) {
                this.valueSelected = true;
                this.currentValue = value.value;
                this.currentQty = value.quantity;
                this.currentPrice = value.price;
            addProductAttribute() {
                if (this.currentQty === null || this.currentPrice === null) {
                    this.$swal("Error, Some values are missing.", {
                        icon: "error",
                } else {
                    let _this = this;
                    let data = {
                        attribute_id: this.currentAttributeId,
                        value:  this.currentValue,
                        quantity: this.currentQty,
                        price: this.currentPrice,
                        product_id: this.productid,

          '/admin/products/attributes/add', {
                        data: data
                    }).then (function(response){
                        _this.$swal("Success! " +, {
                            icon: "success",
                        _this.currentValue = '';
                        _this.currentQty = '';
                        _this.currentPrice = '';
                        _this.valueSelected = false;
                    }).catch(function (error) {


thank yo very much

@nach If I understand correctly, you need to add extra data to the pivot table on insert?

Check out this article: Pivot tables and many-to-many relationships - Laravel Daily. In the last section they go through how to add extra pivot data on a query.