Hey guys. I came here after reading your comments on Reddit about this app and it sounds really promising. I really want to try the app but I have no clue where to start. I have a laptop running Pop OS where I have Portainer running to host apps. I see multiple yml files and I could not figure out how to set it up. I could not find any instructions. Could you please help me? Thanks a lot
That’s a great question!
It’s something that is actively on my radar and I will eventually provide an official Docker image through Github Actions.
For now the best I can give you is our Dockerfile: financial-freedom/Dockerfile at main · serversideup/financial-freedom · GitHub
That’s what I run to package everything in a single application.
We provide the upstream Docker image as well: GitHub - serversideup/docker-php: Production-ready Docker images for PHP. Optimized for Laravel, WordPress, and more!
I will work on this and get it out as soon as possible, but please bear with us as we’re required to take on client work to pay the bills right now. We soft-launched our sponsorship program and have a goal of being 100% funded by sponsorships.
We’ll keep you posted as we move forward!
Good night, I’m having problems installing the financial on linux mint 20.3 with docker, below is the error, if you can help I appreciate it
thrown in /var/www/html/artisan on line 18
2022-11-05T22:35:14.858627336Z ++++++++++++++++s6-rc: warning: unable to start service laravel-automations: command exited 128
2022-11-05T22:35:14.859949685Z +++++
2022-11-05T22:35:15.201410088Z .....+.......+...+...............+........+....+........+.........+....+......+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*......+..+....+........+...+...+....+..+.+..+......+.+......+........+.........+...+.......+......+.....+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*....+..+...+.......+...+..+...............+...+...+.........+.........+.+........+.+......+.....+.+...+.....+......+.+.........+...+.....+......+.......+.....+.............+.........+..+....+.....+................+.....+.+........+.........+.+......+...............+...+..+.............+..+.+...+..+.......+............+......+..+......+......+....+...............+..+...+.......+..+...+.............+.....+......+...+............+...+.+......+......+........+.........+......+......+.+..+.+.....+.+...........+.......+......+.........+........+....+...........+.............+.........+......+............+..+...+.........+..........+...+..+......+............+...+.......+.....+.+....................+.+......+.........+.....+.+..+............+.+........+....+...+.....+.............+......+...+........+...............+............+............+......+....+...+.....+.......+...........+..........+..+.+..+..................+....+...+........+......+................+..+.+.........+.....+.........................+..+.+...+......+...+..+......+....+...+.....+...+.........+.+....................+....+...+..+...+............+......+...+....+..+.+...+.........+..+.........+....+...+........+.+......+...+......+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2022-11-05T22:35:15.204857997Z -----
2022-11-05T22:35:15.210884217Z /run/s6/basedir/scripts/rc.init: warning: s6-rc failed to properly bring all the services up! Check your logs (in /run/uncaught-logs/current if you have in-container logging) for more information.
2022-11-05T22:35:15.210901243Z prog: fatal: stopping the container.
Hey @Agostinho,
Financial Freedom is in an extremely alpha state. It started as a side project and took off faster than we expected.
It is on our schedule to clean up a ton of things for Financial Freedom in early 2023.
I’d wait until we have more documentation ready before attempting to use the application.
Thanks for sharing these insights mate as I found it very much useful and informative to be honest also as a newbie I am loving this community so far and looking forward for more such disussions