Thanks for this awesome package. I really like it, however, I’m facing an issue with visualization.
I dont know how could I draw multiple song’s waveform at same time.
After Amplitude.init({songs: […]}) all html templating get correctly updated, however, only first song renders a waveform, rest of song dont
All waveforms appears after playing specific song. I would like to get drawed all waveforms before playing them. Is it posible?
And, if this approach is so inefficient, how could I achieve this with an optimal way? (server side peaks?)
This bug has been fixed in the new release of AmplitudeJS: Release v5.3.0 · serversideup/amplitudejs · GitHub. There was a massive issue with binding to the audio element which affected a lot of the players. Give this version a try and you should be able to generate the waveforms for all songs passed upon initialization.