Describe the problem
On a fresh install of Financial Freedom, there are no defaulted categories, tags, etc. and this can take a while to populate. This will also deter users from using the app. We need to create a set of artisan commands to seed the database by choice so the users can get started easily.
Problem evidence & reach
Any new user to Financial Freedom
Describe the “impact” on users?
The user will have a fresh start with pre-populated categories, tags, etc and can get right to adding transactions.
How to solve this problem
Make a series of commands/admin endpoints that seed the database for the user.
Potential Commands
- php artisan ff:seed categories (with optional flag
for only top level categories) - php artisan ff:seed tags
Admin Endpoints
- Should be a button to run these commands as well so the user can do this at any time.
- We should also do this on initial log in when we get an onboarding process.
How do we validate the problem is solved?
The user will have pre-populated data and won’t have to spend hours manually adding categories, tags, etc.